
Wednesday, January 2, 2019

War With China Seems Inevitable

We have said it for years but history shows us that competing nations can start with currency wars which can lead to trade wars which can lead to shooting wars.  China is aggressively making islands in the South China Sea by dredging up sand and then sticking a flag in them and saying, “Don’t sail or fly anything close to our territory!”  Since the rest of the world is powerless to refuse that bogus claim, it’s up to the USA to keep sailing by and flying over these man-made islands. Wars and rumors of war is the file to put this one into.

Mere days after Chinese President Xi Jinping vowed to "resolutely" defend China's security interest - a veiled reference to maintaining its domination of the South China Sea - has published details from a speech delivered two weeks ago by one of China's leading military commanders where he outlined a strategy to rebuff the US Navy should it take an even more interventionist posture within the nine-dash line.

Rear Admiral Lou Yuan told an audience in Shenzhen that the simmering dispute over the East and South China Seas could be decisively ended by sinking two US aircraft carriers.

Taiwan’s Central News Agency reported that Admiral Lou gave a long speech on the state of Sino-US relations, where he declared that the trade spat was "definitely not simply friction over economics and trade," but a "prime strategic issue." And that if China wants the US to back off, it must be willing to attack US ships when they intrude in Chinese territory.

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