Monday, February 11, 2019

Muslim Congresswoman From Minnesota

The goofball from Minnesota elected to Congress has said some pretty damning things.  Do you think the MSM will hold her feet to the fire?  Of course not!  She's a woman and a they will do everything they can to defend her statements....or at least ignore them.

Resurfaced video shows Minnesota Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar defending the actions of those behind a terrorist attack in 2013, stating it was “a reaction” to “our involvement in other people’s affairs.”

In the video, Omar is questioned during a local television interview about the deadly brutal al-Shabab attack on a Kenyan shopping mall in 2013 that resulted in 71 total deaths and wounded approximately 200 people.

“When are we gonna decide or realize that terrorism is a reaction?” the host asked Omar, an activist at the time.

“It’s an ideology, it’s a means of things. It’s not an entity, it’s not a place, people. It’s a reaction to a situation.”

She agreed with the assessment, stating that “nobody wants to take accountability of how these are byproducts of the actions of our involvement in other people’s affairs.”

“Nobody wants to face how the actions of the other people that are involved in the world have contributed to the rise of the radicalization and the rise of terrorist acts,” she added.

It is a concept that is commonplace with the radical Left, which has suggested all the way back to 9/11 days that terrorists are simply misunderstood and reacting to American influence in their homelands.

Shockingly, it’s not the first time Omar has offered sympathy for terrorists.

Yes Omar!  Terrorism IS a reaction to a situation!!  Millions of Muslims want the entire world to be ruled by Islam!  The fact that it's not means that THEY can do horrendous things to other people who disagree with them!

I can't even believe that Pelosi put Omar on House Foreign Affairs Committee.  Where is the outrage?

UPDATE 2/11/19
Omar is in trouble again today for her antisemitic comments and Pelosi has publicly asked her to apologize!  But why not resign!!  If the Gov of VA is being asked to resign for painting his face black at Halloween 35 years ago, certainly Omar should be held to the same standard by Democrats?

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) apologized Monday afternoon for what many saw as anti-Semitic comments perpetuating the stereotype that Jews control politics with money.

Omar’s mea culpa came as prominent members of both parties denounced the first-term congresswoman’s statements and urged her to apologize.

"Anti-Semitism is real and I am grateful for Jewish allies and colleagues who are educating me on the painful history of anti-Semitic tropes,” Omar said on Twitter. “We have to always be willing to step back and think through criticism, just as I expect people to hear me when others attack me for my identity. This is why I unequivocally apologize.”

Earlier Monday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and other Democratic leaders said in a statement that Omar’s use of “anti-Semitic tropes and prejudicial accusations about Israel’s supporters is deeply offensive,” but added that her critiques of Israel’s policies and its treatment of Palestinians are protected by free speech.


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