
Thursday, March 28, 2019

Brunei Will Start Killing Gays and Adulterers

The Left should be going insane with this headline about the Muslim nation of Brunei making a law to execute gays and adulterers...but most likely they won't have much to say since they don't want to appear Islamophobic.

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia — Adultery and gay sex in Brunei will be subject to death by stoning from next week, authorities said, under a strict Sharia law that has been on hold for four years amid heavy criticism.
Rights groups reacted in horror Wednesday to the latest hardline move from the resource-rich nation on Borneo, which practices a stricter brand of Islam than its neighbors Malaysia and Indonesia.
The tiny sultanate will implement the harsh new penal code — which also prescribes amputation of a hand and foot for theft — next Wednesday.

Homosexuality is already illegal in Brunei but it will now become a capital offence. The law only applies to Muslims.

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