
Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Girls Protest Man Wearing Panties In Their Locker Room

The left has become so delusional in their social engineering scheme that they have convinced themselves that the rights of one confused man dominates the rights of 10,000 teenage girls.

There are at least 787 students at Pennsylvania’s Honesdale High School—but only one of them seemed to know about a major change in the school’s rules.
The others found out the most traumatic way possible—when they walked into the girls’ locker room and found a teenage boy in women’s underwear.
For at least one 15-year-old sophomore, the situation was terrifying.
“It was first period,” she remembers, “and I had gym class. And I walked in [to change] with all my friends, and while I was putting on my pants, I heard a man’s voice. So I turned around, and he’s standing there on the opposite aisle looking at me. I glanced down, and I could tell that he was wearing women’s underwear and what was underneath it.”
When the boy stared back her—and the entire group of partially dressed girls—she was horrified.
When she got home that afternoon, she told her mom and dad what happened.
Turns out, the students weren’t the only ones who’d never been notified about the policy. Still in shock, they called the principal and Wayne County superintendent.
Neither was particularly sorry about the girls’ experience. And to prove it, they refused to lift a finger to help. The girls’ only option was to wait outside the locker room—a place designated for them—until the boy inside was finished.
That’s completely unfair, lawyer Andrea Shaw argues. Essentially, the school is punishing the girls for wanting to use their own space.
“The school’s only solution for my client was for her to wait outside the locker room until the individual of the opposite sex was finished changing. And then she went in and was late for gym class and also late for her second-period class,” Shaw said.

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