
Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Destruction of Damascus on the Horizon

Isaiah 17 clearly says Damascus Syria will be destroyed in the very last days.  Iran has lots of fire power in Syria and is getting very bellicose towards Israel. Some day, maybe soon, this prophecy WILL play out.
In addition to threatening the Jewish state, a top advisor to the Iranian foreign minister declared during a recent TV interview that “Palestine and Jerusalem will surely be liberated soon.”
Former Iranian ambassador to Syria Hossein Sheikholeslam, who now serves as an advisor to the Iranian foreign minister, told Iran’s IRINN TV that Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad had pledged a leading role for the Islamic Republic in Syria’s reconstruction and the return of refugees following the brutal civil war that has torn asunder Assad’s nation.
According to Sheikholeslam, Iran deployed tens of thousands of missiles in Syria to protect against “American and Israeli aggression,” referring to U.S. President Donald Trump as a “tyrannical king.” Sheikholeslam added that “Palestine and Jerusalem will surely be liberated soon,” claiming that Israel should immediately leave the Golan Heights.

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