
Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Israel Being Prepped to Accept Antichrist

Prophecy is clear that Israel will accept the Antichrist.  He will confirm a peace agreement, help them build 3rd Temple and they will believe he is their messiah.  But halfway through the 70th week of Daniel, he will turn on the Jews.  2/3 will be killed and 1/3 will flee and survive.  
A few years ago I read about an old Rabbi in Israel and a “vision” that he had. He wrote down the vision with instructions that his written word of this vision should not be opened until one year after his death. When it was opened, Rabbi Kaduri had written that he met Messiah in a vision. He wrote out his name, and the Hebrew spelled out Yehoshua.
I could not stop thinking about the Hebrew Roots movement, who spell the name of Yeshua as “Yehoshua.” Don’t forget that this man of sin will come to deceive the world. What better name to choose than Yehoshua?
Kaduri said that the Messiah was already in Israel. He also said that the spirit of Messiah attached himself to Yehoshua. He said that this Messiah would use the media to communicate with the world. The rabbi also said that this man would not know who he was for a while. None of these descriptions speak of the Lord Jesus Christ!
Immediately I knew that this was not Jesus Christ our Lord. Our Jesus would never have to use “media” to communicate. Our Lord Jesus Christ ALWAYS knew who He was. I knew at once that the man whom Rabbi Kaduri had revealed was clearly the Antichrist.

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