
Friday, March 15, 2019

USA Says Golan and West Bank No Longer "Occupied Territory"

The good news for Israel just keeps coming from the USA!  Thank you Trump!

US President Donald Trump’s State Department has called the Golan Heights “Israeli-controlled territory” in its annual human rights report for 2018, which was released this week. All previous administrations refused to recognize Israeli sovereignty on the Golan, and consistently referred to the area as “occupied territory.”

In addition, the report does not refer to the “West Bank” and Gaza Strip as “occupied” or “under occupation,” language used by all US administrations in reference to Judea and Samaria and all the territories, including Jerusalem, captured by Israel in the 1967 Six Day War.
Israel officially annexed the Golan Heights in 1981, though the international community has yet to recognize Israeli sovereignty in the area. Much of the Golan is populated by Druze communities who have proved to be model citizens of the Jewish nation and serve diligently to protect their adopted homeland while serving in the IDF.
Ongoing clashes just over the border in war-torn Syria and the military build-up of Iranian forces there have made it obvious to observers that Israel can never leave the Golan Heights.
This should really put another thorn in the butts of Israel's enemies.  Syria lost the Golan in 1967 when they attacked Israel.  They used to use those heights to launch bullets and grenades down onto the Israeli farmers and Israel has said they will NEVER give up the Golan Heights.  So Trump and company continue to be a blessing to Israel.

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