
Saturday, March 16, 2019

Here Comes Socialist Sanders Saying Stupid Stuff!

What if I’m a high school or college kid living with my parents working full time for the summer frying burgers at the local burger place?  Should I be paid $40,000/yr plus benefits that Socialist Sanders is going to demand?
Socialism always ends bad, but every generation seems to forget that cuz most kids hate history class.  So when some dork politician comes along saying “free health care, free college, student loans forgiven, 6 weeks paid vacation for every worker, and legal pot for everyone!”...the young Americans all jump on board and support him because they are too ignorant to understand how wealth is made and why risk takers (entrepreneurs) need to be rewarded.
The Vermont senator has long cast himself as a staunch advocate for the working class and supporter of labor and union groups.
"Today, we say to low wage employers: Stop paying your workers a living starvation wages," Sanders said at a rally Thursday in South Carolina. "We are going to raise the federal minimum wage to a living wage - $15 an hour. Nobody who works 40 hours a week in this country should live in poverty. And yes. We're going to make it easier for people to join unions, not harder." 
Sanders is currently considered one of the front-runners in a Democratic primary field packed with more than a dozen candidates

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