
Wednesday, March 13, 2019

ELCA Foul-Mouthed, Lesbian Pastor

If you want another example of how far the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church of America) has fallen, check out this foul-mouthed, lesbian pastor and listen to her message.

She is asking the girls-women of America to send her their purity rings so she can have them melted down and made into a golden vagina to be put on the altar of her freakazoid Lutheran church.

On Monday, Bolz-Weber issued a call on Twitter for people to send her those rings “for a massive art project.”
In certain evangelical Christian circles, the rings were given to young girls as symbols of a pledge they made to abstain from sex until marriage. But the rings ― and more broadly, the Christian purity culture of the 1990s and 2000s ― also shamed young girls into disconnecting from their bodies, Bolz-Weber argues.
With the help of artist Nancy Anderson, Bolz-Weber said she plans to melt down the rings that people send her and recast them as a “golden vagina.” She said that the project ― part of a promotion for Shameless, her upcoming book about sex and Christianity ― is about “reclamation” of women’s bodies.
“This thing about women that the church has tried to hide and control and that is a canvas on which other people can write their own righteousness ― it’s actually ours,” Bolz-Weber told HuffPost. “This part of me is mine and I get to determine what is good for it and if it’s beautiful and how I use it in the world.”

Lord have mercy.

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