
Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Pope Continues To Push for One-World-Religion

“Can’t all the worlds religions just get along?  They all preach peace, doing good and worshipping god so why not just all join hands and worship together?”

What a joke of an idea!  Jesus can’t be mingled with Baal, Ashteroth, Muhammad, Buddha, Vishnu, Jospeh Smith or any other demon-based religion.  But the Bible is clear that in the very Last Days the world will have a one-world-religion...and the Pope seems to be leading the charge.

The head of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints met with a pope for the first time on Saturday, an event that reportedly followed decades of behind-the-scenes relationship building between denominations whose leaders share a concern over secularism.
Pope Francis and President Russell. M Nelson – both men who hold offices of profound spiritual significance for their faiths – met for 33 minutes at the Vaticanto discuss the shared priorities of protecting religious rights, traditional family values and young people and opposing secularism, according to the MormonChurch-affiliated Deseret News.

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