
Wednesday, March 13, 2019

World Has NEVER Been Closer to WWIII

Here is a headline for you!  Don’t know if any of it is true, but the headline is what caught out attention.  America is marching toward Civil War and our enemies are positioning themselves to be ready when chaos ensues.
About five days ago, I received some stunning information from my very best intelligence/military deep cover source. And only yesterday, I discovered, and have been interviewing a source from Arizona, who has the exact same information.
In anticipation of a US attack on Venezuela, the Russians have moved a sizeable number of submarines 12 miles off both the East and West coast of the United States. NATO has moved nuclear missiles batteries close to the Ukraine.
Yesterday, Russian ally, Syria, military threatened Israel. Why would  a military inferior force such as Syria threaten a superior force in Israel, unless Syria knew it was going to have help from her ally, Russia?
As I reported yesterday, the Border Patrol has reported arresting a record number of people from Pakistan and more importantly, China!
Finally, it was widely reported when the Russian nuclear targeting of American sites was announced, that if Clinton had won the election, the Russians would launched a first strike against America.
At this point, the only thing that the rank and file of the country can do is to sit, wait and watch the events unfold. these events are eerily similar to the Cuban Missile Crisis. Oh, we could call the Congressional and Presidential offices, but these events are in motion and what is going to play out has already been decided. Further, it should be noted that Pelosi announced that she would not be seeking impeachment against Donald Trump. Why the sudden reversal? Perhaps she already knows that it won’t matter given what it coming.

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