
Friday, March 22, 2019

Golan Belongs to Us!

Ezekiel 36:2
“Son of man, prophesy to the mountains of Israel and say, ‘Mountains of Israel, hear the word of the Lord. This is what the Sovereign Lord says: The enemy said of you, “Aha! The ancient heights have become our possession.”’

Did you see that the Golan Heights is in the headline news today??

Then enemies of Israel, Syria and Iran, used to have possession of these ancient heights overlooking the Sea of Galilee.  They used them to rain down bullets and grenades on any Jews who were out farming their land during the day.

In 1967 Syria attacked Israel and attempted once again to kill all the Jews and take all their land.  But God had other plans and Israel ended up not only defending their land around the Sea of Galilee but also driving the Syrians off the Golan Heights and taking this precious land.

Of course the Syrians have been crying about this loss for over 50 years.  They have cried about it for so long that the world has gotten sick of it and started demanding that Israel give it back to Syria.

Israel says, NO WAY!

Today it's all over headline news that Donald Trump has recognized the Golan Heights as an eternal part of Israel.  It is NO LONGER "Occupied territory" according to Trump and USA.

President Trump has recognized Israeli sovereignty over areas of the Golan Heights it currently controls. In doing so, Trump effectively formalizes something that everyone already knew. Namely, that the Golan Heights, which Israel seized following a 1967 Syrian-Egyptian-Jordanian effort to annihilate it, were unlikely to be Syrian again for a very long time.
If you lament that, you have one person to blame: Syrian dictator Bashar Assad. Trump hinted at as much in his Thursday announcement, clarifying the "critical strategic and security importance" that the Golan provides to Israeli security.


If you can't see that Trump has been put on the throne to speed along prophetic just aren't opening your eyes.

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