
Thursday, March 21, 2019

Voices In Your Head From ADHD Meds?

Do you have any idea how many millions of kids across USA have been diagnosed with ADD or ADHD?  As soon as a boy fidgets in his chair at school the teachers don't have time to deal with it and suggest he gets checked by the Dr.  And many times they diagnose ADD and put him in Adderall.

Certainly we are living in the age of drugs.  We all want to take a pill and get better.  Many times we don't want to put in the hard work and diet that would heal us....we just want a pill.

But here is the paragraph from this article that caught by eye:

Certain medications used to treat ADHD in teens and young adults may be more likely to cause symptoms such as paranoia, hallucinations, delusions and hearing voices, a new study suggests.

Researchers found that patients who had been newly prescribed amphetamines, such as Adderall and Vyvanse, were more likely to develop psychosis than those who had received a prescription for methylphenidates, such as Ritalin and Concerta, according to the study published Wednesday by the New England Journal of Medicine.

“If someone has been on Adderall, they're tolerating it well, it's helpful for their symptoms, and they're taking it as prescribed, there's really not much cause for concern,” said the study’s lead author, Dr. Lauren Moran, an assistant professor at the Harvard Medical School and a psychiatrist at McLean Hospital.

“Still you have to think about it from the public health scale,” Moran added. “If it’s a fraction of a percent of millions of people then that means there could be thousands of additional cases of psychosis across the United States. In my mind that’s a serious problem.”


We have blogged on "the voices" before.  They are responsible for lots of bad situations.  When that mom drove her minivan into the river and made sure her 3 kids were strapped in before she got out...she said "the voices" told her to do it.  And there are hundreds of other examples of murders, rapes, violent crime and suicide where "the voices" are blamed.

Of course is't interesting that "the voices" never seem to say, 'Read your Bible everyday and love your neighbors as you love yourself.'  or  "Go unto all the world preaching the Gospel and Jesus Christ and snatch people from the fire."

Nope!  "The voices" always seem to tell you to do something bad.

Sadly, Satan and his minions seem capable of getting into our minds when drugs are introduced that affect our minds.

I work with drug addicted boys and you wouldn't believe the number of them that have ADD and started abusing their Adderall.  After that door was opened it wasn't long before they were using heroin and meth and were seeing "the shadow people" which seem to be demons from the other realm.

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