
Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Trump Requests ZERO Dollars for Palestinians

Trump has said that if we give him a little time he could balance the budget of USA.

That would be something, wouldn't it?

Well one thing that has to happen when you are balancing a budget that has too many expenditures versus too little have to cut expenses.

President Trump thinks a good thing to cut would be any money sent to support the Arabs of Palestine who call themselves Palestinians.  They hate Israel and they hate why should we send them anything?

The difference between Trump and the Democrats could not be clearer. Unlike the Democrats, Trump believes that incitement, terrorism, and anti-Semitism should not be rewarded with financial aid from American taxpayers. Thank god this man was elected President. Any Jewish American who votes against President Trump is mad.

In the past few years, the Trump administration has cut off U.S. assistance to the Palestinians through enacting measures such as the Taylor Force Act and the Anti-Terrorism Clarification Act, the former of which requires Palestinians to stop paying salaries to terrorists and the families of criminals killed while committing terror offenses or forfeit U.S. aid.

The United States cut funding to the Palestinians’ dedicated United Nations agency (UNRWA) in August.The administration requested that American assistance to Israel remain at $3.3 billion.

In 2018, the State Department announced that the U.S., which was formerly the largest contributor to UNRWA at $350 million in annual aid, would make no additional contributions to the agency.

“We totally reject and condemn this American decision,” responded Saeb Erekat, secretary-general of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO).

UNRWA had faced accusations for years of exacerbating, not solving, the Palestinian “refugee” issue and the curriculum in the schools it sponsored promoted terrorism and violence against Israeli civilians, instead of peace.

Thank God Trump was elected.  It would seem that God is using this man to continue to set the table for the very Last Days.  Days where Jerusalem is at the center of the world's news, where the Third Temple is going to be built on the Temple Mount.  Days when Damascus will be destroyed and days where Russia, Turkey and Iran will attempt to destroy Israel and take her wealth.

I don't agree with all his Tweeting and don't always like a lot of what he says....but I sure like just about everything he does.

The Dems are going to have to figure out some way to crash this economy and stock market before the next election, or MAGA Trump is going to get another 4 years starting in 2020.

Maybe Trump WILL be America's last President??

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