
Saturday, April 27, 2019

Another Ezekiel 38 Meeting

Check out what 3 nations just met in Astana.  Remember friends, this is the first time in world history that the leaders of these players listed in Ezekiel 38 have gotten together.  Most prophecy watchers believe that their planned invasion of Israel will happen AFTER the rapture.  Could this be one more obvious sign that the age of grace is may end very soon?  If so, are we all ready?  Are we all busy doing the Master’s work?  Do we have oil in our lamps?

In a strongly worded statement, Syria’s representative to the UN, Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari, accused Turkey of illegally occupying Syrian territory, and said that all foreign forces must exit immediately. His comments came as Iran, Turkey and Russia met in Astana and slammed the US recognition of the Golan Heights as part of Israel.

In his speech Al-Jaafari said that Turkey had not complied with a September agreement regarding its presence in Idlib province in Syria, and that Turkey had not removed terrorist groups from Idlib. Al-Jaafari claimed that there were numerous extremists in Idlib and that the details agreed at Sochi and Astana meetings by Turkey, Russia and Iran to remove these terrorists had not been complied with. “What Turkey’s delegation says is not applied on the ground,” he said. “The Sochi agreement clearly stipulated that Turkey’s side was committed to the withdrawal of the terrorists groups to a behind a buffer of 20km.” Syria also accused foreign powers of practicing economic terror against Syria.

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