
Friday, April 26, 2019

Trump's Easter Message

As you listen to President Trump's one minute Easter message, can their be any doubt that Trump was elected for a time such as this??

Jerusalem, Golan Heights, friend of Israel, building a wall, tearing up bogus Iran agreement, calling Muslim terrorists what they are, and now this incredible Easter message.

Meanwhile Obama and Hilary can't say the word Christian or Jesus so they call the victims in Sri Lanka "Easter worshipers".

Thank you Lord for President Trump!  May you bless him and mature him in his walk with Christ.  Bless VP Pence as well and pray that he continues to lead Trump into the Word of God.  And finally please pray that Trump's Peace Agreement, that may soon be released, will be a blessing to Israel and that he won't suggest dividing up the promised land.

Watch it here;

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