
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

NASA Preps for Asteroid Apocalypse

It’s interesting that John wrote in Revelation that he saw something that looked like a huge mountain that was all ablaze that got thrown into the sea.  The impact did something to turn 1/3 of the sea red like blood, kill 1/3 of sea life and destroy 1/3 of the ships on the sea.  Of course this happens after Jesus takes His bride off the planet and so will affect those left behind.  They don’t know it but maybe they are starting to prepare for that day when they see the fiery mountain set on a collision course with earth that can’t be avoided.

International partners, including the European Space Agency (ESA), will also be a part of the simulation. The drill is said to be a  “tabletop exercise” that will simulate just how a planetary asteroid emergency would play out in real time. Although an emergency on this scale has never happened, and factors such as the location of impact will have a massive effect on the response to such a globally catastrophic event.
According to the Metro UK, disaster planners from Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will join with NASA to hold a “make-believe apocalypse” intended to “inform involved players of important aspects of a possible disaster and identify issues for accomplishing a successful response.” The scenario will begin with the fictional premise that on March 26, astronomers “discovered” a near-Earth object (a comet or asteroid which comes within 30 million miles of Earth and one they consider potentially hazardous to Earth), NASA wrote.
At first, scientists said there is only a one in 50,000 chance this thing will hit us. Within weeks, those odds become one in 100, reported Science Alert. There are bits of good news and bad news about this approaching object, dubbed 2019 PDC. The good news is 2019 PDC doesn’t exist at all. It’s a completely fictional, imaginary apocalypse. The chance of impact, in actuality, is zero. But it makes for a good simulation and practice for an asteroid apocalypse.

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