
Monday, April 29, 2019

NYT Publishes Anti-Semitic Cartoon Then Apologizes

It's like the spiritual forces of darkness simply can't contain themselves!  They are SO HOWLING MAD that Trump got elected, Netanyahu got re-elected and that Trump is the best supporter of Israel EVER in it's 70 year history....that they simply can't help but expose their seething anger.

The NY Times went so far as to publish a cartoon similar to what the Nazi's were publishing during WWII.

They have since apologized...but maybe this error will further seal their doom.

On Saturday, the Times tweeted an acknowledgment that the cartoon included “anti-Semitic tropes.”
The paper said that its opinion section would later publish its own response.

“We are deeply sorry for the publication of an anti-Semitic political cartoon” tweeted New York Times Opinion on Sunday. “Such imagery is always dangerous, and at a time when anti-Semitism is on the rise worldwide, it’s all the more unacceptable.”

“We have investigated how this happened and learned that, because of a faulty process, a single editor working without adequate oversight downloaded the syndicated cartoon and made the decision to include it on the Opinion page,” the message continued.

New York Times Opinion says that “the matter remains under review, and we are evaluating our internal processes and training,” adding that “we anticipate significant changes.”

Israel’s Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan compared the Times caricature to “Nazi propaganda from the period of the Holocaust” and said that whoever is responsible for its publication should be fired.

The comparison was to a cartoon that appeared in Lustige Blätter, a German satirical magazine which, during the Nazi era, frequently featured anti-Semitic caricatures and illustrations that also targeted enemies of Germany, such as Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt. The cartoon, published in 1940, includes the caption: “England’s leadership is in good hands,” and shows a stereotypical-looking Jew leading Churchill.


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