
Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Pope Warns Catholics NOT to Convert Muslims

This Pope dude seems to be campaigning for the future role of False Prophet!  It seems with every passing day he comes up with some statement that proves he has little to do with believing that Jesus is God and is the only name given to men by which they can be saved. Instead he has been rallying all the false-satanic inspired religions and preaching the lie that all religions are about peace and worshipping god. When in fact Jesus is the only way to have peace with God.  Wrath remains on all others.

Pope Francis warned Catholics in Morocco not to attempt to convert Muslims to Christianity, as he addressed a large crowd of his Moroccan flock on Sunday.The head of the Catholic Church issued the warning during an address at St. Peter's Cathedral in Rabat, Morocco before roughly 400 Christian followers.During the speech, in which the pope also discussed the rights of migrants and promoted open borders, the pope urged Christians to unite with Muslims, before he warned: "Please, no proselytism!"Trying to convert people to Christianity "always leads to an impasse," said the head of the 1.3 billion-member church, as reported by Agence France-Presse.

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