
Thursday, April 4, 2019

Trump Cuts to Planned Parenthood

After seeing the movie UNPLANNED last night I am thrilled to see this news today.  Everyone must see this movie so they understand the violence that ends a baby’s life and also see that PP’s main purpose is selling and performing abortions.
The grant announcement was released Friday on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) website. Among those no longer receiving grants are Planned Parenthood affiliates in five states: Hawaii, North Carolina, Ohio, Wisconsin, and Virginia, according to the abortion group’s website.
As Politico reports:
… seven Planned Parenthood affiliates in eight states are still set to receive funding through 2022 beginning on Monday. Oregon and Washington state’s health departments will also continue to serve as the sole grantees in those states. Those states and Planned Parenthood are suing to block the new anti-abortion rules due to take effect May 3, and threatening to withdraw unless federal courts step in.
Planned Parenthood’s $16 million-a-year allotment is a steep drop from the $50 to 60 million the group had been receiving annually.
The change amounts to about a $44 million cut in taxpayer funding to Planned Parenthood annually.
The new “Protect Life” rule prohibits Planned Parenthood and other abortion businesses from receiving any of those tax dollars unless they completely separate their abortion businesses from their taxpayer-funded services. That mean housing their family planning services in separate buildings with separate staff from their abortion businesses and a denial of funds if they fail to do so. Most Planned Parenthood entities are not expected to comply.

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