
Monday, May 6, 2019

700 Rockets Rain on Israel

Over the past weekend, Hamas showered Israel with some 700 rockets.  Some caused damage and killed a few people.  Israel responded with crushing force and blew up lots of stuff in Gaza.

Of course the Palestinians paraded out a dead baby that was supposedly killed by the IDF blasts.  However, we have no idea if that's true because Hamas has forced women and children to remain in the buildings that they launch rockets from IN HOPES that Israel won't bomb them OR that some might get killed to advance their bogus public relations narrative.

Today we find that our Muslim congresswomen didn't stand up to speak against Hamas but instead blamed Israel for the violence.

Even an Imam stood up to say how ridiculous this is.

“Ah, Those who call evil good And good evil; Who present darkness as light And light as darkness; Who present bitter as sweet And sweet as bitter!” Isaiah 5:20 (The Israel Bible™)

In the wake of a two-day rocket attack by Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad firing approximately 700 rockets at Israel, freshman congressmen Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich) and Ilhan Omar (D-Minn) made public statements condemning Israel.

Tlaib, born in Detroit to parents who emigrated from Jerusalem Israel, retweeted a post by Yousef Munayyer, executive director of the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights. which slammed the NY Times headline for focusing on the hundreds of rockets fired at Israeli civilians from Gaza.

There were, in fact, approximately 700 rockets fired into Israel by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hamas since Saturday morning. The rockets intentionally targeted Israeli cities and civilian centers.

Omar responded with a tweet that justified the firing of rockets into Israel.

It would seem that Omar, born in Somalia and raised in the U.S., is unfamiliar with the history of the region. Israel evacuated Gaza in 2005, relocating over 10,000 Jews and effectively ethnically cleansing the region. Tlaib’s identification of a humanitarian crisis in Gaza is accurate but it would be inaccurate to place the blame on Israel. Though it is impossible to accurately account how much money has been given to Gaza for humanitarian aid, three weeks ago Hamas forcibly quelled riots by the populace protesting misuse of humanitarian aid for terrorism infrastructures and government corruption. It is also unclear how Omar’s support of constant rocket attacks against Israeli civilians is intended to alleviate the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

The two congressmen were called out by name by Iranian-born Australian Shia Muslim Imam and President of the Islamic Association of South Australia Imam Mohamad Tawhidi.


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