
Saturday, May 4, 2019

More Chatter Concerning US Civil War

As the great divide between Left and Right continues to widen, more folks are realizing that the gap is never going to come back together.  It’s only going to get worse. Some folks are realizing and verbalizing that if Freedom in America is to continue that drastic measures need to be taken soon.  If Trump did what this guy is recommending, it would be the start of next Civil War.

To be clear, yes, I’m talking about armed, law-abiding citizens all across America who are willing to defend America from the traitors who are trying to destroy it.
From idiotic lunatics who would push America into an all-out economic collapse (Ocasio-Cortez) to high-level treasonous criminals who armed America’s enemies with nuclear weapons and leaked U.S. military secrets to China and Iran (Barack Obama), all those who threaten the United States of America must be identified, arrested and removed from power as part of the process of restoring the rule of law in America.
I don’t have any special inside information of what Trump is planning, and I don’t speak for Trump in any way. But some of the actions that Trump could take to restore the rule of law in America and eliminate the sabotage actions of the domestic enemies currently operating in America include the following:
  • Deploy the military police nationwide to arrest and detain the CEOs of all tech companies and financial institutions that are systematically de-platforming conservatives, Trump supporters and Christians.
  • Every CEO of every tech company (Google, Twitter, etc.) or financial institution (Chase, Mastercard, GoFundMe, etc.) that has de-platformed users for being conservatives must be charged and prosecuted for willfully denying Americans their basic civil rights to engage in speech and commerce.
  • The domain names of all such tech companies and financial companies should be seized by the State Dept. and held in escrow until such time that the corporations sign consent decrees that guarantee the freedom of speech and freedom of commerce for all Americans, without interference, shadowbanning, de-platforming or algorithmic censorship.

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