
Friday, May 3, 2019

Rick Warren and Pope Push Chrislam

99% of rat poison is good rat food, but 1% is poison and will kill the rat.  Rick Warren may have some great sermons and great books that may have helped many find Jesus, but now when he tells his followers that Allah and Jesus are the same God...he reveals himself as a wolf in sheep’s clothing.  Jesus warned us to watch out for these, even more so as His return nears.

I updated this 5/6/19 so make sure to go the links below and discern for yourselves about Rick Warren. 

When we first showed you how false teacher Rick Warren was creating an end times hybrid that we called ‘chrislam’, quite a number of his followers wrote in to defend him. They called us “liars” and said that we were ‘attacking God’s anointed’. But after they read some of his quotes about Muslims and Christians ‘serving the same God’, and leading prayer to ask forgiveness from Allah, even his loyal followers began to ‘get the picture.
Here is that quote with a link to Warren’s A Common Word site where the entire letter is posted:
 “Before we “shake your hand” in responding to your letter, we ask forgiveness of the All-Merciful One and of the Muslim community around the world.” – Rick Warren, one of the main signers of the Yale Covenant For Islam and Christian Unity
The things we post may make you mad if you are a follower of an end times apostate, but I promise you this. What you read here on this site has been throughly researched, and to the very best of our knowledge is 100% true. We have never knowingly published a falsehood, and never will. So since people are once again showing interest in Chrislam and Rick Warren, I thought it might be edifying to see what Rick has been up to, and what other people are now also promoting this false teaching that Islam and Christianity can somehow ‘unite for the common good’.

Update 5/6/19
One of my readers sent me a YouTube Link that you can watch here;

In the Rick Warren interview he clearly says that he doesn't believe that Muslims worship the same God as he does because they aren't worshiping Jesus Christ.  However, in the link from NowTheEndBegins above, you can also see where Rick signed a letter asking the Muslims for forgiveness and playing with the words that Muslims use for Allah.

Are we supposed to evangelize the lost world??  YES!  YES!! YES!!! 

Are we going to have any lost souls willing talk to us if we tell them, "You're going to hell!", right when we meet them??  No! No!! NO!!!

So love your neighbors and build relationships while you are praying for your lost neighbors, but never deny that Jesus Christ is God and had NOTHING to do with forming Islam, praying to Allah or sending a pedophile prophet named Muhammad.

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