
Friday, May 3, 2019

Birth Rates Lowest EVER!

God said from the beginning that children are a blessing.  To be childless was devastating.  So Satan has spent a few centuries now convincing us that kids are too expensive, too problematic and inconvenient.  So we have killed 50,000,000 using abortion and with birth control can avoid ever having any kids!  So kiss your social security goodbye.

Just one other example of what happens to nations who reject God/Jesus.
Hundreds of years ago it would be your kids doing the work to take care of you in retirement. Today it’s everyone’s kids, collectively, doing the work to take care of every retiree.
Hundreds of years ago it took several other people in a household to care for the elderly. Today it takes a certain number of workers paying into the system to support each retiree receiving benefits.
They call this the ‘worker-to-retiree ratio’.
And the Social Security Administration (SSA) has said that they need a MINIMUM of 2.8 workers paying into the system for every one retiree collecting benefits.
You can probably see that maintaining this delicate balance requires steady population growth; every generation has to be large enough to support the previous generation.
If population growth trends get too far out of whack, it means there will either be too few workers, or too many retirees…
And that’s exactly what’s happening now: people are simply having fewer children.
In the Land of the Free, birth rates are the lowest levels EVER since they started keeping records decades ago.
And this has been a long-term problem: fertility rates were already in decline when the 2008 financial crisis accelerated the trend.
Researchers estimate that 4.8 million babies were never born as a result of the Great Recession.
Some of the reasons are pretty obvious– kids are expensive. And they aren’t getting any cheaper.

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