
Thursday, May 2, 2019

Stop Using Poverty as a Reason for Muslim Terrorism

We've all heard the left say something like, "The poverty and hopelessness is a breeding ground for Muslim terrorists.  Once we lift them from poverty, Muslim terrorists will be a thing of the past."

Don't believe it for a second.  Muslim terrorists exist because they BELIEVE 100% in Islamic theology which says that Allah will reward anyone who dies in jihad by ushering them directly into heaven upon them blowing themselves up.  Probably why they all say, 'Allah Akbar!" before they pull the trigger...which means ALLAH IS GREATER! 

So the news that wealthy terrorists were responsible for the Sri Lanka massacre of Christians on Easter Sunday will NOT fit the Left's it probably won't make the rounds of CNN, NBC, CBS and BBC.

It turns out that the Islamist terrorists who slaughtered more than 350 people in Sri Lanka came from one of that country's wealthiest families. This news will surely come as a surprise to those who have become accustomed to hearing political leaders and pundits claim that poverty is what drives young Muslims to become terrorists.

The whole premise behind the more than $10 billion that the United States gave to the Palestinian Authority from 1994 to 2017 was that Palestinian unemployment will lead to Palestinian terrorism--so we better give them money, and lots of it.

Fortunately, the Trump administration has reduced that aid, at least for now. Tragically, some Democrats in Congress are urging the administration to renew the aid. It seems that they haven't learned anything from history--that is, the long history of well-to-do, educated Palestinian Arabs choosing to become terrorists. Not to mention the physicians and academics who head terrorist organizations.

Every few years, some American reporter in Jerusalem is shocked to discover this reality. I recall how The Washington Post's Jerusalem bureau chief, William Booth, was positively stunned in 2016 when he realized that the latest Palestinian suicide bomber was affluent and educated.

The bomber, Abdel Hamid Abu Srour, "did not grow up in a refugee camp," Booth reported. He was "a Palestinian preppy, the scion of a well-to-do and well-known clan of eight prosperous brothers, who own and operate a string of furniture outlets and are rich enough to take their young sons for holidays in Jordan and set them up with their own shop selling clothes."

One uncle, Mahmoud Abu Srour, told Booth: "We are financially comfortable, you could say very comfortable." At a family gathering to mourn Abu Srour's death, his teenage cousins "wore pricey watches, skinny jeans and fancy sneakers."

Not only that, but ISIS killers are even more educated than their neighbors: "Foreign recruits from the Middle East, North Africa and South and East Asia are significantly more educated than what is typical in their region."

And very few of them are unemployed:  "The vast majority ... of Daesh [ISIS] recruits from Africa, South and East Asia and the Middle East ... declared having an occupation before joining the organization."

Advocates of Palestinian statehood promote the poverty-causes-terrorism myth because it advances their agenda. It's the theory of "give them stuff, and all will be well." In Israel's case, it's "give them money, give them Israeli territory, give them a state."

Myths die hard. But the evidence is overwhelming that poverty is not what causes Muslims--whether Palestinian or Sri Lankan--to become terrorists. It's time to acknowledge the real causes of Arab and Muslim terrorism: radical Islam, Arab nationalist supremacy, and, of course, old-fashioned anti-Semitism.


I realize that Muslims are lost without Jesus Christ.  I also realize that followers of Christ need to take the Gospel to them.  But some folks on the Left that claim to be Christians involved in some mainline denominations would disagree.  In their minds, they think Muslims are worshiping the same God of the Bible and the reason a FEW BAD APPLES blow themselves up is because they are ignorant and poor.

The reason more Muslims don't blow themselves up is because they aren't very good Muslims.

Remember, the leader of ISIS has his Doctorate in Islamic Studies from Baghdad he's no poor, ignorant, dummy.

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