
Wednesday, May 1, 2019

5 Gays Beheaded in Saudi Arabia

We wonder where the LGBTQI protestors are?  Oh yeah...since it’s a Muslim country, and the left wants to keep using their COEXIST bumper stickers...they will be silent, just like when ISIS throws gays off the roof.
FIVE of the 37 men beheaded in Saudi Arabia last week were secret gay lovers according to Saudi reports. The men from the Shia minority were reportedly tortured into terror confessions.
One of the 37 “militants” ruthlessly executed during a single bloody day last week is said to have admitted to having sex with four of the others during torture. The men were all beheaded as is Saudi law for engaging in gay sex.
The regime also beheaded a number of individuals who were teens when they were first arrested.
Abdulkarim al-Hawaj was detained when he was a schoolboy (Naya Daur)
Abdulkarim al-Hawaj, now 21, was beheaded in front of a sick crowd after being accused of being a “terrorist” for sending the message about a protest when he was just 16.
According to The Star another victim, Munir al-Adam, was just 23 when he was arrested in 2012 and reportedly had his feet so badly beaten he was forced to crawl on his hands and knees for days.

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