
Wednesday, May 1, 2019

There Will Be Pestilence

Wow!  Have you seen the MSM telling us that 200 million pigs have been wiped out from disease?  What happens when a nation like China has way more men than women (because of One Child Policy) and those men can’t find a wife or find enough to eat?  Maybe pestilence evolves into Wars & Rumors of War?  Maybe the folks from China march across the dried-up Euphrates river some day?
African Swine Fever is the greatest threat to global food production that we have seen since World War II ended.  As you will see below, the disease has now spread “to every province in mainland China”, and it has now infected “an estimated 150-200 million pigs”.  To put that number in perspective, that is more pigs than the entire U.S. pork industry produces in an entire year.  In other words, the equivalent of the entire U.S. pork industry has just been wiped out.  On top of that, African Swine Fever has also spread to Cambodia, Tibet, Romania, South Africa and Vietnam.  The losses are staggering, and this crisis continues to get worse with each passing week.
When I use the term “plague”, I am not using it lightly.  I have never heard of a single disease wiping out this many farm animals before.
Have you?
We are potentially talking about an absolutely crippling blow to the global food supply.

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