
Friday, May 17, 2019

Comment from Pro-Abortionist on my Blog

I received this comment today on a blog post I had done a few years ago on abortion.

The women who commented calls herself BLUE CRYSTAL EAGLE so guessing she might be into crystals and may think her spirit animal is an eagle...but we don't know for sure.

While searching for the Harper's Bazaar article (which I LOVE), I ran across your insane, fanatical website. You criticize this beautifully written, well-documented, well-researched piece with specious arguments, so incredibly prejudicial that one would think you have never read any book but the Old Testament! Puhleeze!!! Women are highly educated now; we are aware as never before; we are supporting each other in our work for freedom (from idiots like you, and we are going to use our fierce and mighty power to prevent sadistic, old, white dudes from imposing their fascist power games upon us, our sisters, our daughters, and all other women. This is America, dudes, and we will keep its freedoms, its separation of church and state, and the Constitution operative and in place. Get the HELL out of our uteri; you creeps! The Bible is hardly the only book in the world. Read other books in order to dissolve your incredible ignorance. The government has NO PLACE in our bodies and religion has no place in government. GET IT?, GOT IT? GOOD! Now grow up, grow a pair, and protect women's reproductive health and rights. Or I know a really hot place in hell that is waiting for your sorry asses.

Here is the original post from June 2017 that she commented on.

Funny that she claims to know of a hot place in hell that is waiting for anyone who would stand in the way of abortion.  Where did she learn about this hot place in hell?  Was it in Harper's Bazaar magazine?

How can an intelligent woman possibly see an ultrasound and see the heart beating, the fingers and toes moving and NOT understand that another human being is living and growing in her? 

Answer;  they can't.

That's why Planned Parenthood and others who make money from abortions, don't want any woman to have to look at her ultrasound before she aborts.  They want her to think of her baby as nothing more than a tumor to be removed or a toenail to be cut off and thrown away.

Thank you Jesus that Alabama, Georgia and Ohio are passing sweeping restrictions to abortion.  Let's remember to pray for these cases today that when they get to the Supreme Court that Roe v. Wade would be overturned and the blight of murder gets removed from this great country.

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