
Thursday, May 16, 2019

Giant Humanoid Skeletons Found All Over USA

The Bible tells us in Genesis 6 that fallen angels, at Satan's behest, took human woman and impregnated them in the time before Noah's flood.  The result were some hybrid beings called the Nephilim. (fallen ones)  The book of Enoch tells us that the reason for the flood was to destroy all these mutant hybrids.  But the Bible says they were on the earth AFTER the flood too.  So either Ham's wife had some mutant blood in her (maybe why Noah cursed Ham's son, Canaan?) or the fallen angels attempted to do the same thing since they were so close to being successful the first time.

If these giants were roaming the earth and wiped out in the flood or died after the flood, we would expect to find skeletons of these giants someplace.

And indeed we have.  We have found them all over America.

Check out  a few of these newspaper clippings and reports.

“We crawled through this hole with our torches and found ourselves in a long cave. We walked along until we came to a spacious apartment. Here strewn about on the floor of the cave were great numbers of human bones. I don’t pretend to have any scientific knowledge of the human frame, but picking over the bones I was able to articulate a complete human skeleton, which measured just 8 feet 11 inches.
“The femur measure up to my thigh, the ribs were mare like those of a horse, the molars were big enough to crack a cocoanut, and the head from front to back measured 18 inches. I imagine there were enough of these bones to make 200 complete skeletons.
“The cave was evidently the burial place of a race of giants who antedate the Aztecs, and who subsisted upon the abundant game of the locality. Together with the bones, among the various relics found, was a massive stone hatchet, weighing 30 pounds.

Giant Skeleton Found.
Workman engaged in digging gravel at Winnemucca, Nev., the other day uncovered at a depth of about 12 feet a lot of bones, part of the skeleton of a gigantic human being. Dr. Samuels examined them and pronounced them to be bones of a man who must have been neatly 11 feet in height.
The metacarpal bones measure four and a half inches in length and are large in proportion. A part of the ulna was found and in its complete form would have been between 17 and 18 inch ± in length.
The remainder of the skeleton is being searched for.

The Skeleton discovered in Williamson county in this State, and supposed to be that of a human being, has frequently been referred to, within a few days past, in the H. of Representatives. Notwithstanding the description of it, as Wouter Van Twiller would say, "we have our doubts about the matter."
This skeleton was found about sixty feet beneath the surface of the earth, embedded in a stratum of the hardest kind of clay.—The bones are said to be in a perfect state of preservation, and weigh in aggregate 1500 pounds.
“All the large and characteristic bones are entire, and the skull, arms, and thigh bones, knee pans, shoulder sockets and collar bones” remove all doubts, and the animal to whom they belonged has been decided to belong to the genus homo.”
This gentleman when he walked the earth, was about 18 feet high, and when clothed in flush must have weighed not less than 3000 pounds.

ENCAMPMENT, Wyo., May 16.—That Carbon county, Wyo., was inhabited by a race of men, or at least one man in the prehistoric age, has been proved by the discovery of a human skeleton which indicates that the man in life was nine feet, three inches in height. The bones were disclosed by of preservation, being in a fossiliferous condition.

Fergus Falls, Minn., June 29.—A giant skeleton has been unearthed on the farm of County Commissioner Thore Glende, in the town of Everts. The jaw bones and some of the teeth were in a fair state of preservation, and the teeth were nearly twice the size of an ordinary man's teeth. Other bones indicated that the man must have been eight feet tall. Tourists from St. Louis secured the hones and sent them to scientists in that city. It is supposed the remains are those of a prehistoric man. 

See original newspaper clippings here;

So where did all these skeletons end up?  Why is no one displaying them?

Is it possible that the museums who received them want everyone to believe in evolution and since 12 ft tall men doesn't fit their narrative that they covered it all up?

Is it possible that the Prince of the World doesn't want us to see that Genesis 6 is actually true and that giant, hybrid beings who were part human and part angel WERE roaming the earth?

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