
Friday, May 24, 2019

Iran Threatens to Destroy Israel if Attacked by America

One must admit that it's a very interesting time to be alive.  We have a President Trump who was elected against all odds and is driving the Leftists insane because they can't figure out how he got elected.  Trump has no problem calling his adversaries by nick names.  Pocahontas and Crazy Nancy are just a few that he has come up with. The Left considers this to be bullying...yet this same Left will tell anyone they disagree with to F OFF and spit in their faces...which really is the definition of bullying.

We have been watching Iran for over a decade because Ezekiel 38 says they will be part of a coalition that will attempt to destroy Israel in the very last days.  We believe this prophecy will be fulfilled AFTER Christ comes and snatches His bride from planet earth.

As we were reading this article about Iran chanting DEATH TO AMERICA and calling Trump an idiot, we see that Iran has warned that they will demolish cities in Israel if they are attacked by America.

Really?  I guess that's why they chant DEATH TO AMERICA!  DEATH TO ISRAEL!  They realize that America and Israel have a very close bond. And now that Trump is the most popular POTUS in Israel's history, the losers in Iran who are leading that nation have some serious worries.

Iran’s president has insisted “enemy” plots against the country will fail and called President Donald Trump an “idiot” as vast crowds marked 40 years since the Islamic revolution.

Hundreds of thousands of Iranians, including soldiers, students, clerics and chador-clad women holding small children, marched through the capital in freezing rain on Monday to mark the anniversary.

State television showed crowds carrying Iranian flags in cold rainy weather, shouting “Death to Israel, Death to America” – trademark chants of the revolution – as well as burning US flags and carrying portraits of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the Shia cleric who toppled the Shah in an Islamic uprising that still haunts the west.

In a tweet written on the anniversary that he also sent out in Farsi, Trump said the revolution had been a complete failure.

“40 years of corruption. 40 years of repression. 40 years of terror. The regime in Iran has produced only #40YearsofFailure. The long-suffering Iranian people deserve a much brighter future,” he posted in both English and Farsi.

The Iranian foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, also responded on Twitter. “#40YearsofFailure to accept that Iranians will never return to submission. #40YearsofFailure to adjust US policy to reality. #40YearsofFailure to destabilize Iran through blood & treasure. After 40 yrs of wrong choices, time for @realDonaldTrump to rethink failed US policy,” he wrote.

Rouhani lambasted calls from the United States and Europe for a fresh agreement to curb Iran’s missile programme.

“We have not, and will not, request permission from anyone for increasing our defensive power and for building all kinds of … missiles,” he told the crowd.

Yadollah Javani, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards’ deputy head for political affairs, said Iran would demolish cities in Israel if the United States attacked.

“The United States does not have the courage to fire a single bullet at us despite all its defensive and military assets. But if they attack us, we will raze Tel Aviv and Haifa to the ground,” Javani told the state news agency IRNA.

The Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, dismissed the threat. “I am not ignoring the threats of the Iranian regime but nor I am impressed by them,” he said.

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