
Saturday, May 25, 2019

No Communion for You!

I think Nancy might be having a tough week.  She seems to be very confused and now the Catholics are saying she can’t have communion.
The head of the Vatican court just declared that Nancy Pelosi cannot receive communion until she changes her stance on abortion.
The Economist reported that some argue that politicians who support abortion rights should be excluded from Holy Communion, Christianity’s most sacred rite; others disagree with that punishment.
The subject is especially contested in Ireland and in parts of the United States with strong Catholic roots. American conservatives point to a memorandum penned in 2004 by then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, shortly before his elevation as Pope Benedict XVI, which said that if any Catholic politician was “consistently campaigning and voting for permissive abortion and euthanasia laws,” that person’s priest should instruct the errant legislator about Catholic teaching and issue a warning that Holy Communion will not be granted until this “objective situation of sin” is brought to an end.
Recently a bishop in Spokane agreed that pro-choice politicians should not receive communion.

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