
Monday, May 13, 2019

Israel Chooses Golan Site to Name Town After Trump

Trump continues to be a hero to Israelis.  The Temple Institute minted a coin with his face on it.  We heard they were naming a train station after him for his Jerusalem move.  And now because he stated the truth and said The Golan Heights will always be part of Israel, they are going to name a town after him!

Israel has already identified a location on the Golan Heights to build the new town that will be named after President Donald Trump. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made the announcement at the start the government’s weekly Sunday Cabinet meeting.

On April 23, Mr. Netanyahu revealed his plan to name a new community after the U.S. president while touring the Golan Heights with his family. The gesture is meant to be in gratitude for President Trump’s official recognition of Israeli control over the area captured in the 1967 Six Day War.

Mr. Netanyahu said in a video post during his visit that there’s “a need to express our appreciation by calling a community or neighborhood on the Golan Heights after Donald Trump. I will bring that to the government [for approval] soon.”
The exact name of the community has not yet been revealed but the prime minister said it would be soon.

The future town is not the only place that will bear President Trump’s name. The mayor of Petah Tikvah recently announced he would name a town square after Mr. Trump. More such names are likely to follow.


If you have some Leftist friends who hate Donald Trump and you want to put a tiny dart under their skin, send them the linked article and then remind them what the Bible says about blessing Israel versus cursing Israel.  Next ask them if they believe Obama was a blessing or a curse to Israel and if they are getting tired of WINNING yet?

Next thing you know....your leftist friends will cease communicating with you because they can't stop seething.  It's actually pretty funny.  THEY claim to be the tolerant folks....yet they are are totally intolerant of anyone who doesn't think like THEY do!!  The very definition of INTOLERANCE!!

Make sure to point that out to them....

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