
Monday, May 13, 2019

Rugby Player Suspended for Quoting Bible Verse

This story happened to a professional rugby player in Australia but you KNOW it would happen here in America too if one of our pro athletes posted a Bible verse and told their followers to repent from sin and turn to Jesus.

Do you think Nike would still sponsor them?  How about Coca Cola?  How about ANY corporate sponsor?

Also notice the dude's first name is Israel!

Israel Folau, the Australian national rugby player who was suspended for posting a Bible verse calling people to “repent,” has been found guilty of a “high-level breach” of professional conduct.

Folau’s Rugby Australia contract was terminated in April, but he requested a hearing in light of the disciplinary action.

A three-person panel will not decide what punishment Israel is to face, according to the BBC. The stripping away of his right to play the game comes at a terrible time for the world-famous center, who was hoping to play for his country in the 2019 Rugby World Cup, due to take place later this year.

The post, which is still live on Folau’s page, declares “WARNING,” before listing a number of sins which must be repented of, pending eternal judgment.

Referencing 1 Corinthians 6:9, the graphic lists “Drunks, homosexuals, drunks, adulterers, liars, fornicators, thieves, atheists, idolaters,” before imploring “HELL AWAITS YOU,” and “REPENT! ONLY JESUS SAVES.”

Read it all here;

Does this surprise us? 

Yes.  We can't believe how fast that "Free" nations are clamping down and allowing the bullies to stifle free speech.

Of course Jesus warned us that the WORLD will hate us because it hated Him first.  As His return draws ever closer we should expect this hatred to increase.

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