
Thursday, June 6, 2019

Belief in Aliens Will Soon Surpass Belief in God

Paul told Timothy that a day was coming when people would reject Truth and believe “doctrines of demons.”  Notice how this research lady says, “new religion? I think so.”  You see friends, when enough people believe the lie that humans evolved from single cells billions of years ago that Mother Nature created in a pond of scum, it stands to reason she could have done the same thing on billions of other planets!  And our kids in public schools are being taught that lie as a fact.  No wonder they are rejecting the God of the Bible.

More than half of Americans believe in a God, with the figure for those who believe in aliens only slightly lower. One professor, who has authored a new book called American Cosmic, states that a belief in aliens could replace religious beliefs. The book, written by Diana Pasulka, a professor at the University of North Carolina, focuses on why humans chose to believe in the supernatural, and how we use Gods and aliens to explain the unexplainable.

“She says we’re going to find life, we’re going to find habitable planets and things like that. So that gives this type of religiosity a far more powerful bite than the traditional religions, which are based on faith in things unseen and unprovable.
“But the belief that UFOs and aliens are potentially true, and can potentially be proven, makes this a uniquely powerful narrative for the people who believe in it.
“Is it fair to call this a new form of religion? I think so.”

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