
Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Indictments Coming for Obama Officials

We have been wondering what types of triggers could spark massive unrest in America.  This would be a possibility.  If Obama, Brennan, Clinton, Comey were all indicted and arrested the Left might believe Trump is trying to take over as dictator by jailing his opposition.  This could send them into the streets protesting, looting and beating. They have become so blind with hatred that they can’t even imagine these folks all broke the law.

Here’s the warning⏤indictments coming for a number of officials who participated and implemented the silent coup against Trump. Those under the Russia investigation will soon face criminal charges.
According to the corresponding evidence pertaining to the investigation⏤indicates that there is information related to the claims made in an opposition research document, also known as the “Steele Dossier,” that was funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee during the 2016 president race.
If you recall, the dossier contained and made wild claims about President Trump, and was used as evidence by the Obama administration to justify and prepare the FISA refers to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which was established to give law enforcement the authority to surveil and spy on foreign entities considered a threat to the United States. Including the FISA applications used to obtain the FISA warrants which approved the National Security Agency and the FBI to spy on the Trump campaign and selected members of the campaign.
Understand as I’ve mention previously that you the U.S. taxpayers spent somewhere between $35 and $40 million on the Mueller Special Counsel investigation headed up and conducted by Special Counsel Robert Mueller. The latest controversy being that the conclusions of the Mueller Report states that the investigation concluded that there was no collusion by the Trump campaign.

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