Monday, July 8, 2019

Pedophilia is Something You Are Born With

50 years ago if a man wanted to have sex with another man, that behavior was treated as perversion and something society wanted to discourage as abnormal and immoral.

Of course that has changed now.  Men having sex with other men is now celebrated and is put before us on virtually every TV show or movie that we watch.  It all started with a subtle shift when someone said, "we are born this way, we don't choose this, and I can't change so celebrate my diversity!"  If you resist this line of thinking you will be called HOMOPHOBIC and INTOLERANT and could be mercilessly bullied by the LGBTQIA mafia and their supporters.

5 years ago if a man wanted to have sex with a young boy or girl who was maybe age 14 or younger, that behavior was treated as perversion and something society wanted to discourage as abnormal and immoral.

But now we are being told that people are born this way, they don't choose this and they can't change so we need to understand and maybe even celebrate the folks who are born with child-sex desires.

I mean really....if it's legal to have sex with an 18 year old girl on her birthday regardless of how old the man or lesbian woman is, why should it be illegal to have sex with the same girl ONE DAY earlier?  Can we really know when humans are capable of giving consent?  What if a 10 year old boy is really mature and knows what he wants in a sexual relationship?  How about the drag queen boy who calls himself DESMOND IS AMAZING?  If he admits he was born to make gay men happy by pleasuring them while he pleasures himself, could it all really be wrong?  Love is love!!

If you disagree, you might soon be called PEDOPHOBIC and intolerant.

Watch this video of a woman speaking to a room full of people who starts to lay out the case for pedophilia.  Her talk is titled WHY OUR PERCEPTION OF PEDOPHILIA HAS TO CHANGE


Hat tip to Guy B.


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