
Monday, August 5, 2019

2 Mass Shootings in 24 Hours

Some 20 people were gunned down in ElPaso on Saturday and the blood hadn’t dried before 9 more were killed in Dayton OH.

It appears that these shooters used black, semi-auto rifles.  The Democrats didn’t let an hour go by before they were yelling about these black rifles and the carnage they can create in very short order.  They simply can’t see the Satanic agenda behind this murder.

Satan knows he needs to get rid of 300,000,000 firearms in America if he is going to have the Antichrist force everyone to take a mark in order to buy or sell anything.  Anyone who refuses the mark will be rounded up and killed...and he can’t have a bunch of black, semi-auto rifles slowing down the process!

We pray the rapture comes soon and that the godless left behind will applaud the vanishing of so many Conservatives.  They will quickly realize that with Conservatives gone they are free to create their gun-free utopia and welcome everyone to the new Age of Aquarius that will ultimately lead to many of their physical and eternal deaths.

The Bible says that because they rejected Jesus that He GAVE THEM OVER to a REPROBATE MIND.  This means that these folks will be INCAPABLE of discerning what is happening right in front of their very eyes.

“While they are saying peace and safety, destruction will come upon them suddenly”

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