
Monday, August 5, 2019

Financial Calamity Headed Our Direction

We all know in our hearts and minds that governments can create money or borrow money indefinitely.  But sometimes in the short term we can!  Since most Americans believe the near financial collapse of 2007-2009 is “fixed” and that this Great Recession is WAY back in our rear view mirror, we have now decided that we can borrow money forever and ever and it won’t ever be a problem.  In fact the Democrats are running on promises of free college, free health care, forgiving student loans and even paying all Americans a “national income” at age 18.  They will for sure sink the ship.  But it seems now that even the Republicans have also forgotten about their “Tea Party” promises.  They sign on to trillions more debt!  It’s lots of fun to spend other people’s money!
For the past few years, Washington has used the end of the fiscal year in Sept to lower the size of the annual deficit. In 2017, we were said to have a deficit of $660 billion; and in 2018, we were reported to have a $780 billion budget deficit. If you go back two years and look at the Treasury’s total nation debt records, you would see it increased by $2 trillion. The missing $560 billion deficit is the result of the Treasury spitting out new debt in October and then not counting it as part of that year’s budget.
In fiscal year 2019, we are projected to have a deficit of $1.25 trillion. The real number is $1.5 trillion. If we add the $170 billion that just passed in the Bipartisan Budget Act, the current shortfall will now be around $1.7 trillion. Since there will be more spending projects in the near future, we are going to reach a $2 trillion annual deficit in a very brief period of time.
There is no way we can afford to have another recession without triggering a financial meltdown. Since the last recession, the world has added $63 trillion of debt. Wall Street has leveraged up to levels far beyond where it was in 2008. It is easy to see a deficit of $3-5 trillion if the Great Recession II were to play out.
We are now going into the 10th year of what is the longest period of economic growth in American history. The Federal Reserve lowered interest rates last week by .25% during a time of low unemployment and record stock prices. It made that unusual move because the Fed governors can see the strain debt is having on the global economy. Calamity is headed in our direction, and it is only a matter of time before the fundamental rule of basic economics catches up with us.
Because the rapture is said to be a timeless and tranquil event, I believe it will happen before we reach the breaking point. The longer things hold together, the more convinced I’ve become that there is a connection between the economy and the rapture. It is obvious that something will happen in short order.

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