
Monday, November 4, 2019

Anne Graham Makes a Case for Trump

Scripture is clear that God himself sets up and tears down leaders of nations.  Both the good and the bad.  Clearly God set up Nebuchadnezzar to control a massive, wealthy, powerful empire because He used Babylon to overthrow and punish His people, the Jews.

So God ordained Trump.  And what if God uses Trump to set up Syria for the last of the Last Days?  What if he used him to put a few more chess pieces in place regarding Jerusalem?
Evangelist and best selling author Anne Graham Lotz, the daughter of the late Pastor Billy Graham, said that God chose Donald Trump to be president at this time in history and that Trump's actions in Syria, whether he realizes it or not, could be putting geopolitical pieces in place that usher in "the last of the Last Days."
"Whether the president is aware of it or not, God has placed him in office," said Lotz on the Oct. 30 edition of The Jim Bakker Show.  "The Bible tells us that [about leaders], that He puts people in office."
"God has used him [Trump] in an amazing way to stand up for life, to stand up for the Nation of Israel, appoint judges that abide by the Constitution and the rule of law," she said. "So, I voted for him in the beginning because the policies of the alternative I couldn’t vote for her [Hillary Clinton]. Then I became a supporter, and I’m almost a fan."

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