
Saturday, November 2, 2019

Sham Impeachment Could Trigger Civil War

Holy smokes!  Here is just one more article that mentions how close we are to Civil War.  Democrats think Trump is a liar, thief and neo-Nazi.  He needs to be removed from office and his supporters aren’t fit to inhabit the public spaces.  Republicans believe that Democrats are lying, cheating and committing treason by making up new rules to remove an elected POTUS.  If they are successful it could lead to Civil they say.

House Resolution 660 passed today with 232 votes, nearly all Democrats. That means we have 232 criminal traitors in the House of Representatives. Many of them are communists, by the way, and dozens of them are puppets of Communist China.
All of them are traitors who are actively seeking to overturn the will of the American people. They are also willing to thrust America into an all-out civil war, since that’s exactly what they will unleash if President Trump is impeached and convicted over a completely fabricated reason.
The real criminals in America are Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Brennan, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff, among others. Some of them will go to jail when the DOJ finally starts announcing indictments against deep state traitors. Others will flee the country to try to avoid prosecution.
James Comey has already publicly announced that he’s planning to flee to New Zealand, where extradition to the United States is a very high legal hurdle. Barack Obama, we’ve learned, has been offered political asylum by Canada. Andrew McCabe has already been indicted, but the indictment hasn’t been publicly released yet (it’s coming).
Democrats know that many of their malicious political operatives are about to be indicted and prosecuted, which is why they’re desperately pushing an aggressive timeline to remove Trump from office.
If they succeed in that illegal coup, they will immediately seek to remove V.P. Mike Pence, William Barr and even Kavanaugh and Gorsuch from the U.S. Supreme Court. There are no limits to Democrats’ quest for power, and they won’t stop until they are forced to do so, either by being arrested and handcuffed or halted by an uprising of law-abiding Americans who discover they’ve had enough of tyranny and treason from the swampland of Washington D.C.

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