
Saturday, November 2, 2019

Pastor Jeffress Will Soon Be in the Crosshairs

Newsweek has an inflammatory article on Pastor Jeffress.  Jeffress said that Democrats appear to worshipping the OT god called Molech because they celebrate the killing of babies for their convenience. Also notice they used the word “disparage” when Jeffress told about God’s use of the rainbow to remind humans He will never flood the earth again.
"Apparently the god they worship is the pagan god of the Old Testament Moloch, who allowed for child sacrifice.
"The god of the Bible doesn't sanction the killing of millions and millions of children in the womb, I think the god they are worshipping is the god of their own imagination."
Jeffress serves on Trump's Evangelical Advisory Board and the White House Faith Initiative and is known for his inflammatory comments.
Last month, he disparaged the teenage climate change activist Greta Thunberg, saying on the same radio program that the next time she worries about global warming, she should "look at a rainbow" because it was "God's promise that the polar ice caps aren't going to melt and flood the world again."

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