
Monday, November 25, 2019

Franklin Graham Says Demonic Power Behind Trump Attacks on Trump

Franklin continue to tell the truth.  The folks who have no problem killing babies, legalizing hallucinogenic marijuana (so our kids can't love God with all their MINDS), celebrating LGBTQIA perversion and leading our public schools to teach our kids that we evolved from monkeys...they are far, far away from the Jesus of the Bible.  So by default, they are still in bed with their father, the devil.

As Trump continues to stand in their way, their hate and rage seems to have reached a supernatural boiling point.

Evangelist Franklin Graham claimed the political turmoil fracturing the country in the wake of impeachment proceedings into President Trump likely has a supernatural origin.

Graham spoke Thursday with author and host Eric Metaxas, who asked the 67-year-old son of the late Billy Graham what he made of the present political situation. "It's a very bizarre situation to be living in a country where some people seem to exist to undermine the president of the United States," Metaxas said. "It's just a bizarre time for most Americans."

Graham responded, "Well, I believe it's almost a demonic power that is trying — "

"I would disagree," Metaxas said. "It's not almost demonic. You know and I know, at the heart, it's a spiritual battle."

Graham agreed and laid out some of the economic success the country has seen under Trump. "If you look at what the president, just for our country, regardless of whether you're a Republican or a Democrat, unemployment is at the lowest in 70 years. More African Americans are working, more Latinos are working, more Asians are working, more everybody are working. We have an economy that is just screaming forward. It's incredible." Economic prosperity benefits churches, Graham said, because Christians have more money to tithe.

Metaxas then expressed frustration at many who have "vilified" both Graham and himself for supporting the president. "It's just a fascinating thing, because people seem to devolve to a sort of moralistic Pharaseeism. ... Then they go on to cite how he's the least Christian, and they go on and on and on. And I think these people don't even have a biblical view when it comes to that. If somebody doesn't hold to our theology, that doesn't mean they can't be a great pilot, or a great doctor, or a dentist."

"It's a bizarre situation that we're in, that people seem only to have these standards for the president somehow," Metaxas said. Graham then claimed he believes Trump is a Christian but that he does not have an especially deep understanding of religious matters. "He went to churches here in New York. He didn't get a whole lot of teaching."

"He knows there's two testaments, right?" Metaxas said.


Trump will not be removed from office unless God is done with him in office.  So don't fear what the Democrats are doing.  If they are raging against God, they will end up being undone and revealed for the godless group of people that they are.

Please remember, I'm not saying that there aren't some incredibly NICE people out there who hate Trump.  I know a lot of them.  But if you dig into what they believe about Scripture, you will very quickly uncover that they have a very low view of the authority of Scripture....which means they have a very low view of the God if Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

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