
Monday, November 25, 2019

Jordan's King Threatens Israel

Jordan has been at peace with Israel for quite some time.  The ruling kingdom hasn't been quite the same as the other crazy, fundamentalist, jihadi-type of Muslims that inhabit the area.  Their history has been very interesting with the previous king actually marrying a Hollywood starlet, who became the queen. 

The Bible actually seems to hint that Jordan might not fall for the Antichrist when he shows up.  So all eyes should be on Jordan because they are going to play an interesting role in the very Last Days.

So today we find them in the news and it sounds like they maybe aren't going to be able to keep the peace with Israel indefinitely.

Relations between Jordan and Israel are at an “all-time low” King Abdullah told the Washington Institute for Middle East Policy reports Mako. Regarding the Israeli-Arab conflict, Abdullah added that  “If we do not solve the Israeli-Palestinian issue, Israel cannot really be part of the Middle East” calling it a “sensitive and emotional issue.”

Touching on the recent deadlock in Israel’s elections, the Hashemite king also said that: “Part of this is due to internal Israeli issues. We hope that Israel will determine its future, either in the coming weeks or in the coming months, and then it is important that we all return to focusing our energy on bringing us all back to the discussion table and seeing the full glass.”

“I think that no small amount of us in this room believe that the only way forward is the two-state solution – because the alternative is much worse,” he added. “Every year that we lose makes it more complicated, and it is more difficult for Israelis and Palestinians to move forward” Abdullah noted.

“The problems we have with are mutual, I understand that,” the King explained. “But I am not ready for this to come at the expense of what my father and late Prime Minister Rabin fought so hard to achieve, as a symbol of hope and opportunity for Israelis, Palestinians, Jordanians and others.” Despite the king’s sentiments, it should be noted that Prime Minister Rabin was against a Palestinian state.

Abdullah also told the audience that the Jordan-Israel peace treaty was the result of both sides sitting together, “because they had the trust of each other to create peace.” He expressed hope that the parties would be able to talk again about the issues “we did not manage to talk about over the past two years”.


We already know that things won't go well for those who divide God's land that He has eternally promised to the Jews.  So don't believe for one minute that Israel won't always be part of the Middle East.

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