
Monday, December 23, 2019

Israel Attacks Targets Near Damascus

The Bible clearly tells us in Isaiah 17 that the city of Damascus will one day be destroyed. So when you see headlines with “Israel” and “Damascus” in them, prophecy watchers should pay attention.

There were a total of ten injuries reported, according to Arabic sources.

Syrian regime media said its air defenses were activated near Damascus just after eleven, Sunday evening. The initial reports said there were missiles and an explosion was heard in Damascus. The last major airstrikes on Damascus were in November when Israel struck Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corp targets and air defense in response to rocket fire.

Defense Minister Naftali Bennett has said that Syrian could be Iran’s Vietnam, and Israel has demanded Iran not entrench in Syria. In November Russia released information on Israeli airstrikes in Syria.

Pro-Hamas media have claimed that raids against Syria were carried out over Lebanon. Various social media accounts reported explosions around Damascus and said air defense was very active. Several videos were put online showing the alleged track of a missile in the sky. One report even claimed that T-4 airbase was targeted.

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