
Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Prophetic Events Ramping Up

Jesus said that once the birth pangs start they would increase at a rapid rate and they wouldn’t stop until He returns to earth at Armageddon.  The rapture will be the most disruptive, supernatural event since Noah’s flood. And of course Christ will come for His bride 7+ years before He returns in 2nd advent.  So don’t be surprised if the trumpet blows.  Keep looking up because our redemption is nearer today than it’s ever been!

I've been hesitant to write a prophecy update lately because things are happening at such a rapid pace that it is difficult to keep up with everything happening. Yet, this is exactly what Jesus said would happen at the time of the end. He said over and over again that he would come at a time when the signs were occurring in rapid fire.
He used the Greek word tachu (think tachometer) and various forms of the term. He wasn't saying he was coming "soon" as some translations render it, but that he was coming "swiftly" at a time with things were revved up-at the top end of the end-time tachometer, so to speak. We seem to be there now. I suppose things could rev up even more-but at some point, the tachometer is going to redline. 

Jesus also referred to these as birth pains. Most prophecy experts agree that the birth pains began with the rebirth of Israel and have steadily increased since that all-important prophetic event. At some point the baby must be born. Things are truly happening at breakneck speed-right now.

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