
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

It Was “The Voices” Again

In the past decade we have noticed that people have blamed "the voices" running in their heads as the reason they committed some heinous crime.  A lady drowns her kids...the voices told her to do it.  A kid shoots up his own school....the voices kept telling him to do it.  A dude in New York goes into a Jewish home and starts whacking people with a machete....sounds like it was the voices again.  Of course science comes running in to explain that these voices are simply the manifestation of schizophrenia. 

Really?  All of them??  And what exactly IS the "science" behind psychology?

We have an idea that if Jesus were here and talked to this dude with the machete he would see the demons in him that are "the voices".

Also note that some media outlets are calling these voices "auditory hallucinations" 

A man accused of stabbing five people during a Saturday evening Hanukkah celebration at an Orthodox rabbi’s home in New York is facing federal criminal charges.

Grafton E. Thomas, 37, appeared in federal court today to face five counts of obstructing the free exercise of religious beliefs by attempting to kill with a dangerous weapon and causing injuries. Police say that Thomas fled to New York City after the attack, where he was arrested.

Thomas has also been charged with five counts of attempted murder and one count of burglary, according to the Town of Ramapo Police Department, which is investigating the case.

The incident unfolded next to the rabbi’s synagogue in Monsey, a small town in Rockland County about 20 miles outside of New York City. Rockland County has the largest Jewish population per capita of any county in the United States, according to New York State. About 31.4% of the county’s residents are Jewish.

Grafton E. Thomas, 37, of Greenwood Lake, N.Y., has been charged with the attack and appeared in federal court on Monday. Prosecutors said in a criminal complaint that Thomas had blood on his clothing and smelled like bleach. He was arraigned and pleaded not guilty on Sunday morning, according to the Town of Ramapo Police Department.

Susanne Brody, his court-appointed attorney, said that he has bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, according to the Associated Press. He is being held without bail.

Defense attorney Michael Sussman told reporters that Thomas was “not terribly coherent” according to the Associated Press.

“My impression from speaking with him is that he needs serious psychiatric evaluation,” Sussman said.

Yes!  Let's turn this man over to a psychiatrist who is a failed, fallen man who was trained by failed, fallen men using ideas about the human brain that were invented by failed, fallen men!  That should work!  We can then give him a label for his malady and send him off to jail.

Luke 4:35

“Be quiet!” Jesus said sternly. “Come out of him!” Then the demon threw the man down before them all and came out without injuring him.

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