
Wednesday, January 1, 2020

MSNBC Mocks Biblical Belief

Yes, Rejection of the Bible is going mainstream in America. People who believe the Bible is an accurate historical record are being ridiculed by the godless Left on an ever widening basis.  Sadly they have inundated and overrun our public education system so that our own children have been brainwashed into unbelief.  I believe that the story of Noah’s ark is true because Jesus confirmed the Genesis story.  

“As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of Man....they knew nothing of what was coming until the flood came and took them all away.”

On the ‘Meet the Press’ program on Sunday morning, host Chuck Todd publicized a letter to the editor that he “found” from a Lexington Herald-Leader, written by David Bowles. The letter, that Todd describes as “fascinating”, calls the Bible a “fairy-tale”.

However Todd seemed to be impressed with how it explained “why some people support President Trump.”

“The question of the decade is: Why do people support President Donald Trump? We all know why white supremacists do, that is obvious. But why do good people support Trump? It’s because people have been trained from childhood to believe in fairy tales. The more fairy tales and lies he tells, the better they feel. Trump is a master liar who knows what makes people feel good and that is what he goes with. […] Show me a person who believes in Noah’s ark and I will show you a Trump voter.”

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