
Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Muslim Kills US Military Trainers, MSM Wonders Why?

A visiting pilot from Saudi Arabia named Muhammad shot to death 3 pilots on the naval base in Pensacola. He injured 8 others. National Public Radio (NPR) had an entire article about the Glock pistol the Muslim used and how he legally bought it. But there was never any mention of “Muslim extremist” or “radical Islam” in the entire article.
The rational people in America know exactly what happened.  A angry Muslim worshipping a demon named Allah took advantage of America’s hospitality and committed a terrorist attack to honor the possessed “prophet”, and his namesake, Muhammad.  When will the Left wake up?  Answer; Never.  Many prophecy watchers believe we are witnessing the foreshadowing of the “delusion” that will overtake the godless during final 7 years.
FBI agents handling the investigation are reportedly treating the shooting as a terrorist attack, but have yet to determine the exact motive of the shooting suspect or if he had any terror group connections.
A since deleted Twitter post from an account matching Alshamrani’s name did appear to post anti-Israel sentiments and quotes from deceased al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden, in which he described the U.S. as being corrupted by evil, for supporting Israel. According to the New York Times, the authenticity of that Twitter account has not been established by investigating law enforcement officers.

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