
Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Muhammad Makes List of Most Popular Baby Name in America

Islam is the ONLY religion manufactured by Satan with its main purpose of destroying another religion. Christianity is its target. Of course the Left can’t understand this. Today we read that Muhammad has made the top 10 name for baby boys in America.**********************************************************
If Muhammad cannot beat the infidels on the battlefield, he’ll outbreed them—literally: Last year it was reported that “Mohammed most popular name for newborn boys in the Netherlands for second year in a row.” Muhammad is apparently also the most popular name in England. In fact, Muhammad is one of the most popular names throughout Northwest Europe.
And now, for the first time ever, Muhammad has made the list of top ten baby names in America.  As the Baby Center explains: “Arabic names are on the rise this year, with Muhammad and Aaliyah entering the top 10 and nudging Mason and Layla off.”
While all this may seem innocuous enough—what’s in a name?—the fact is many Muslims see their offspring as contributions to the “struggle” to make Islam supreme, since more numbers equate more influence and power.   Nor is the naming of “Muhammad” a coincidence but rather a cryptic reminder from the parents concerning whom they most revere and hope their sons emulate—namely, the founder of Islam/jihad.

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