
Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Nike Rolls Out “Victory Swim” Swimsuits for Muslim Women

Can you even imagine the outrage, protests and boycotts that would be mounted against Nike if they came out with swimsuits for followers of Christ? If they had a cross and maybe “Jesus is king” written on front, the leftists would go insane!  So why does the Left tolerate and celebrate Islam?  As we have already pointed out in previous blogs, maybe it is a foreshadowing of the great delusion that will overtake the world following the rapture?
Nike has announced the upcoming launch in February of its new and oddly entitled Victory Swim Collection featuring Islamic swimsuits and hijabs for Muslims, and that leads me to ask a question. What exactly does the word ‘victory‘ here refer to? Is it signifying a ‘victory’ of the Muslim swimmer over the water? Is it referring to a Muslim victory over America? Is it anticipating a Democratic win in 2020 that would mean Islam could then come to power and that Sharia Law could finally be instituted? I think this is a very real and very important question that every patriot should be asking. What is the ‘victory‘ in the Nike Victory Swim Collection?

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